Creating The Life You Want by Coach Anjalon Wimbush
"Ask for what you want, and be prepared to get it." ~Maya Angelou
I just want to start off by saying that I am not ashamed of a good cliche, especially if it is TRUE!
If you are aware of my story, you will know that I created an awesome vision board in 2021 and about 90% or more of what I had on that board came true. I manifested the blessings on that board. I believed in that board and most of all, I prayed over that board! God did NOT let me down. By the end of that year, I was floating on cloud nine and it is one of the most memorable years of my entire life!
This is also accessible for You Too! You can have a fulfilling and satisfying life which incorporates your dreams through manifesting. Through self-reflection and realization you can create a visual of your dream life. You may be thinking "Come on Coach Anjalon, you are trying to sell me on a fantasy..." But what I want to point out is- the life you dream of has more to do with how you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually receive it. How do you want to feel when living that life? What thoughts do you need to create for your dream life and what perspective do you envision having while living it? How are you spiritually connected to your dream life? What will that look like, feel like, sound like, smell like, and taste like?
Do you see where I am going with this? It is the fulfilling Self-Care in our life that we are searching for.
You very well may be able to become an author of your first book this year. Even sell hundreds or thousands of copies. Buy your dream house or car. You may break a world record or open a booming business that takes off as soon as you launch. This is all achievable for you, but it starts with a vision, action, and manifestation. This is what I mean by living a fulfilling and satisfying dream life- even if it may look different than you imagined, you could still achieve that same feeling.
You won't get far without reflecting on where you have been, what you have overcome, what you are struggling with, and where you want to be. This self-awareness practice is a catapult to reaching the dream life you want. You have to go deeper than "I want to be a New York Times Best Seller". How? Have you started writing your book? Do you have a topic yet? How much time are you devoting to this project? Is there a way of knowing when you have met that goal?
Visualizing what you want starts with self-awareness and being real with yourself about how you think, feel, and choices you have made. Identify your strengths and your weaknesses as well as what you need to meet your goals. Here are 3 questions to help move you into some deeper thoughts:
What does fulfilling and satisfying self-care mean to you?
How can you be more aware of your needs and boundaries?
What activities fill your cup emotionally, mentally, or spiritually?
There is strength in these 2 words. Because being intentional means that you are doing something on purpose for a purpose. For example, what are your intentions for becoming an author or for performing in a Broadway play? Why?
Our intentions are for personal gratification, which is completely human. There is a feeling we are trying to get by becoming something, doing that experience, or receiving that "want" you desire. We want to be happy and we want to feel successful in life, so we dream about it and we dream Big. Just remember that there are steps to get there, so consider this when you are visualizing your dreams. These steps most likely include micro habits to start doing.
Use these prompts to guide you in setting intentions for yourself:
What does self-care currently look like for me?
How do I want to feel every day?
What self-care habits or practices make me feel my best?
What areas of my life need more balance or attention?
What do I want to let go of to make space for more joy and peace?
As a Mindfulness advocate, I am reminded of having a "beginner's mind" which means that I choose to look at each moment with 'new eyes'. I can be curious about what I am sensing, feeling, believing, and perceiving. Basically, when I encounter a pleasant or unpleasant situation, I choose to lean in to the present moment, observe, and look again. Each moment you have, each breath you take, there is always a new opportunity to see things with a new perspective.
Think of it like this, you always have choice to begin again- your thoughts, your response, your actions. Even if you react to something too quickly, take in a deep breath to regroup then move forward- apologize, correct a mistake, choose a different choice, etc. Life is all about impermanence and that includes how you think and feel about things.

After you have done some self-reflections, set your intentions, and developed beginner's mind with practice, you are encouraged to align your words and actions with your goals- you can start with micro habits here. Authentically create a flow in your life where everything feels cohesive and intentional while aligning with your values and beliefs. When you are in misalignment you will undoubtedly experience stress, exhaustion, and stuck.
If you want a positive life, then you will have to let go of a negative mindset and speak positivity into your life, even the little things. If you want to go further in your career, then you will need to pursue professional development to obtain more skills. The same is true if you want to have a loving long term relationship, then you will have to focus on yourself personally that will organically attract the partner you desire. Hopefully, you get the point here.
Feel good about setting goals, but also be flexible as you learn and grow from challenges. Align yourself, not so much with what you achieve, but with purposeful actions and words. And if you make a mistake- Ok, you learn from it. However, it doesn't make you feel any less worthy or unmotivated to keep pressing forward.
Creating the life you want is more simple than you think simply by following the above laid out formula. It is more about how you support yourself in the different pillars of life- mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, physically- than it is about getting that big job title, buying that expensive car or house, traveling to every place on your bucket list, etc. While those things are definitely available to you if it is meant for you, having those things do not determine your value or worth as a person nor do they determine your level of happiness, love, and fulfillment in life.
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Coach Anjalon Wimbush is a self-care coach and founder of The Lotus Life Self-Care Coaching program with Positive Steps10, LLC. She is a social worker by trade and also a mother, wife, sister, friend, author, and PS10 Radio podcast host. If you feel stuck and would like more guidance of how to develop deeper self-awareness for a more fulfilling life with 1:1 and/or group Coaching, click this link.
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